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Stories of Recovery

Mental Health Care Matters More Than Ever

Shared by our patients, their families, staff and our donors, these stories help break down barriers, give a voice to those who need it, and help many others who may also be struggling with a mental health challenge.

We are so grateful to these courageous individuals for lending their voice to our cause.

Foundation - Grace's Story

Mental Health and Stigma in the Asian Community - Grace's Story

After the birth of her third child, Grace’s mental health started to drastically decline. “When I started to think about harming myself and children, I realized I needed actual help.”

A weight off her shoulder: Cindy's Story

Cindy felt hopeless, and considered suicide. She was referred to Ontario Shores. While Cindy didn’t know it at the time, that referral would change her life…

Stories of Recovery - Cindy
Stories of Recovery - Mikes Story

Finding light in the darkness: Mike's Story

After my son’s death,  I  became very depressed. I had trouble going to work, getting out of bed, and I started isolating myself. My family doctor grew concerned. Luckily, I was eligible to retire and I took that opportunity to seek treatment.

From suicide to hope for the future: Andrea's Story

At age 28 Andrea was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Without having the proper tools or resources to manage the illness, Andrea began to feel suicidal…

Foundation - Stories of Recovery - Andrea
Foundation - Stories of Recovery - Kaleb

Responding to his own mental health: Kaleb's Story

Kaleb* worked as a firefighter for 13 years, responding to a wide range of
emergency calls. So, when his mental health began to decline after the birth of his first child, he assumed it was just part of being a new parent.

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