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Accessing Care for Depression

Depression is much more than simple unhappiness or a case of the blues. It is a mood disorder that involves the mind and body, affects how you feel, think and behave. Depression is a common condition that can affect people at various stages throughout their lives. It’s neither something you can simply "snap out" of nor a weakness.

The main symptoms of depression are feelings of sadness or unhappiness that are present most days and continue throughout the day. Such feelings last for more than two weeks and impair a person’s performance at work, at school or in social relationships.   Depression is experienced by many people and is treatable. There are effective community resources, psychotherapy and medication options to help you improve your mood.

We know that with treatment, people can recover and get back to living the life they want to live.

Learn more about the signs and symptoms of: 

We are here to help

Ontario Shores has several service areas providing treatment for individuals experiencing depression. We follow a Stepped care model meaning we will match you with the level of service you need based on your experience of depression. If you meet the criteria, you will be referred to the clinic that best suits your needs, which may include:

How to access care

Each clinic has their own unique criteria, so please review and consider which best meets your needs. Most of these services require a referral by a family doctor, psychiatrist, nurse practitioner or other healthcare professional. The OSP and the First Responder Assist Clinic also accepts self-referrals. 

If you need assistance understanding our service areas or completing a referral please contact our Central Intake team who can help you or your healthcare provider complete your referral. 

Make a Referral

What to expect after a referral

You will be contacted when an appointment time becomes available. Depending on the clinic, your initial appointment may be with your therapist or the therapist and the Psychiatrist. This appointment will guide your treatment planning and support your recovery journey. 

Learn more about what to expect while in treatment for depression


For Family Doctors or Nurse Practitioners Only

Family Doctors or Nurse Pracitioners who are seeking consultation with an Ontario Shores Psychiatrist may use our Psychiatry Phone Consultation service.


What to expect

What to expect while in treatment for Depression

Self Help

Self-Help Resources

While you wait for service please review these self-help resources

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