COVID-19:  Screening, updates and safety protocols: 

Accessing Care

Navigating the mental health care system in Ontario can sometimes be challenging, particularly in areas with limited services. Ontario Shores has support systems in place to help individuals, families, physicians and hospitals access suitable and timely mental health care for people touched by mental illness.

The Central Intake team at Ontario Shores can help answer your questions about navigating the system or guide you through the referral process. Central Intake is available 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday at 1.800.947.1096. After business hours, please leave a message and your call will be returned within one business day. If you are in crisis please call 800.947.1096 or visit the closest emergency department.


EMS Ambulance

Need Immediate Help?

Are you in crisis and need immediate emergency help?

Patient with staff - reading working with papers.

Accessing care by condition

How to access care based on condition or diagnosis.

Middle aged man holding hands with and comforting a senior woman

Over 40 specialized clinics and units

Looking for a specifc program or want to search by population or age?

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