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Depression - Resources and Support

We hope that the resources listed below are helpful to you while you wait for mental health services for depression or are between appointments. These resources are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional with any questions you may have. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of a resource you have found on this website, including those listed below. If you are seeking professional mental health services you may find our Accessing Care for Depression page helpful.

Ontario Shores Resources


Community Services / Groups

  • COPE Mental Health Program  (905) 905-666-0689 (Oshawa branch)          
    Various Branches. Groups include things like: Anxiety & Depression Support, Anxiety & Stress Management, Mood Mastery, Wellness for Women/Men, Coping with Bipolar Disorder, Social Recreation, and Bereavement Support.
  • Mood Disorders Association of Ontario 
    Support Line: 
    (Mon-Fri, 9:30-5:00) 1-888-486-8236


MindShift App

Anxiety & Depression Apps

Island Health (2017)
Available on: iOS | Android
Helps teens and young adults improve their mental health through gamification of daily tasks. Based on different intervention strategies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, and mindfulness, the program uses a series of games and quests to teach coping skills, follow self-care routines, increase real-life socialization, and establish positive habits.

Daylio – Diary, Journal, Mood Tracker
Habitics (2019)
Available on:
iOS | Android

Daylio helps users track their moods and the activities related to them, in order to better see patterns.

MoodTools – Depression Aid
MoodTools (2019)
Available on:
iOS | Android

Helps users with clinical depression improve their mood and functioning using six tools: information, videos for mood improvement, a thought diary, mood improvement activities, a symptom severity test (PHQ-9 depression questionnaire), and a safety plan.

SuperBetter, LLC (2018)
Available on:
iOS | Android

This game helps users to build resilience and stay motivated and optimistic to overcome real life challenges.




60 Minutes Special on Mindfulness - Anderson Cooper SHORT (3 min)

Books / Workbooks

  • Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing How You Think. Second Edition by Dennis Greenberg and Christine Padesky, 2016.
  • Antidepressant Skills Workbook – a self-help workbook developed at the Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health & Addiction at Simon Fraser University.
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