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About Patient and Family Advisors


When you or your family member were using our services at Ontario Shores, did you think things could be done better? If you answered yes, the Patient and Family Advisor role could be the perfect opportunity for you!

In this role, you will have the unique opportunity to network and work closely with staff, providers, leaders and other advisors at Ontario Shores. By doing so, you can increase your knowledge on patient and family-centered care, have a platform to share your feedback and have influence to improve the quality of care for all patient and family members.

In this role, there are different types of opportunities available and we will do our best to find the option that works best for you.

The role of a Patient and Family Advisor really depends on your personal interest and what opportunities are available at the time. At Ontario Shores, we have a staff member called a Patient and Family Engagement Leader who will connect with you to walk you through each opportunity and see what is the right fit for you. Some of the options include:

  • Become a member of a quality council
    Each program at Ontario Shores has a Quality & Recovery Council that meets monthly (via Zoom) to identify and plan program improvements. These Quality Councils consist of representation from front-line staff, the patient experience team, Patient and Family Advisors, managers and directors.
  • Participate in different working groups / committees / planning sessions
    At times, different departments may form small working groups, committees or planning sessions to address particular improvement areas they have identified. The time commitment on these projects may vary.
  • Share your story with health care providers, staff or board members
    We are always looking for patients and family members to share their stories about their experiences with recovery and using our services. Staff will work with you to capture your story and there could be an opportunity for you to share your story with staff or board members (only if you feel comfortable).
  • Participate in hiring panels for the hospital
    When hiring new leaders and other staff, we the input from the Patient and Family Advisors. You would have an opportunity to sit on hiring panels, ask the applicant questions and debrief with the hiring panel afterwards. Your feedback is important for us to hire the right people.
  • Complete surveys
    At times, we will send out optional surveys to the Patient and Family Advisors.
  • Participate in focus groups
    At times, we will contact you to see if you are interested in participating in focus groups. A focus group is a facilitated group discussion where we will capture your perceptions about a particular topic
  • Review and improve patient and family education materials
    A second set of eyes is needed to help make our patient and family education material even better. This would require reviewing material and providing suggestions on how to make it easier to read.

Based on availability you could have the chance to participate in more than one opportunity


We are recruiting both Patient and Family Advisors.

You must have the ability and willingness to:

  • Share insights and information about your experiences in a group setting to help evolve programs, services and hospital priorities
  • Share your objective feedback using a positive and balanced approach
  • Share personal story to inspire others
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Work in a collaborative team environment

You must have the following qualifications

  • Current or former patients OR a family member of a patient who has received care at Ontario Shores in the last five years
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Able to read, write and speak English
  • A good listener who is respectful of other people's opinions and perspectives
  • Must have a home computer that can be used in a private environment in order to attend meetings that have confidential information via Zoom.

Time commitment:

  • Minimum four hours per month for at least a one-year term (with the possibility of extension)

When recruiting we will be looking for diverse representation based on your unique background and which services you have used at Ontario Shores. We are dedicated to building a diverse and inclusive volunteer population of Patient and Family Advisors that reflects the community we serve.

Does the Patient and Family Advisor role interest you? Submit your application today!

Apply Now

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