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Research Resources

Knowledge Mobilization and Impact Resources from Research Impact Canada

Research Impact Canada logo

In September 2021, Ontario Shores became the first specialty mental health hospital to join Research Impact Canada (RIC), a pan-Canadian network of 23 universities and non-academic institutions, committed to maximizing the economic, social and environmental impacts of academic research. The RIC network is devoted to building institutional capacities to support impact evaluation and knowledge mobilization (KMb)

You can be a change agent too!

Below you will find workbooks, toolkits and e-learning modules/webinars developed by knowledge mobilization and impact experts, and carefully curated by the RIC team.  Please feel free to browse around. If you would like to learn more about any of these materials or wonder about how they may be applied or implemented in your research, clinical or practice settings, please get in touch with Mary Chiu, Knowledge Mobilization Specialist and institutional lead for RIC initiatives at Ontario Shores. 

Want more?

RIC Resources page may be accessed here.  Check back often as RIC will be expanding and updating this page in the new year!

Impact Planning

Evaluation and Assessment

Accessible Meetings

Data Visualization

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