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Family Caregiver Charter of Rights

At Ontario Shores, the recovery of the patients in our care is our first priority, and as such, all applicable laws and hospital policies will be strictly adhered to at all times (e.g. Personal Health Information Protection Act, Mental Health Act).

Family caregivers1 have the right to:


1. Information about the best treatments, practices, and therapies that maximize recovery.

2. Caring staff members who understand that the whole family is impacted by a mental illness diagnosis.


3. Apply to become a member of the Ontario Shores’ Family Council.


4. A safe and healing environment free of stigma.


5. A mental health care program in which family involvement is valued and encouraged.

6. Respect, understanding, and sensitivity.

7. Education about their loved one’s diagnosis, with patient consent.

8. Share their concern or lodge a formal complaint and receive a response regarding actions to resolve it.


9. Inclusion in the process of diagnosis, treatment, and discharge planning of their loved one, with patient consent.

10. Ongoing collaboration and dialogue with care providers and the organization.

11. Access to the Family Resource Centre, family peer support, and information on community resources.

Ontario Shores’ Family Council has adapted this Charter, with permission, from the Family Charter of Rights created by St. Joseph’s Health Care London, Ontario.  Family Caregivers are bound by Ontario Shores’ Code of Behaviour which states that Ontario Shores expects everyone:

1. To consider the rights, safety, and dignity of others;
2. To speak appropriately; and,
3. To act in a respectful, non-aggressive manner.

1  “Caregiver” refers to an individual who provides or who has provided sustained care or support to a patient or former  patient (Excellent Care for All Act, Regulation 188/15,  July 2, 2015)

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